Creating and Using a Custom Template Database
Episode #26 hosted by Mary Lee
Hey everyone, today we're going to look at how to create and use a custom template database in Postgres.
Postgres Version 11
To create a new template database, we use the normal "create database" command, passing the parameter "is_template" with a value of "true".
If we are customizing locales or encoding on our new custom template, we should make sure that we are cloning from Postgres's template0
, rather than the default template1
create database example is_template true encoding 'SQL_ASCII' template template0;
We can see our new template database with the list command.
And we can verify that it is a template by checking out the pg_database data.
select datistemplate from pg_database where datname = 'example';
To create a new database cloned from our custom template, we use the "create database" command, passing our template name to the template parameter.
create database test template example;
Using the list metacommand again, we can see that our new database has the SQL_ASCII encoding from our custom template.
Thanks for watching!